
This paper is intended to show that if we assume a certain set of postulates about the mind-body relation, we are forced to face a paradox of logical nature, and that this paradox can be resolved by introducing a rigorously formalizable modification of a certain axiom of the Boolean logic 1. While I admit that my argument for this set of postulates is by no means conclusive, the paradox thus exposed seems to underlie, in different and more ill-defined forms, many of the confused discussions in the past about the so-called mind-body puzzle. Due to the nature of our approach, we shall be largely concerned with the linguo-logical aspect of the mind-body problem and hence the metaphysical aspect of the mind-body problem has relevance to this work only to the extent that any sensible metaphysical argument must first take a clear stand about this logical paradox.2 In Part I, I shall lay down the postulates which lead to the paradox, assuming a position as if I were entirely convinced of the unavoidability of these postulates, and in Part II, I shall show the way to resolve this paradox. Relegating a discussion in terms of a more careful language to later Sections, let us describe here, in a loose manner, the nature of the problem we are facing. The first requirement for any honest discussion of the problem is to take full cognizance of the fact that there are prima facie two kinds of phenomena, mental and physical, and correspondingly two kinds of parlances.

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