
The Social Cqre Ec\ucqtion qnc\ Trqining Project qt the Dublin Institute of Technology is '1 four yeqr project func\ec\ by the Depqttment of Heqlth qnc\ Chilc\ren. The project hqs increqsec\ the number of stuc\ents enrolled in sociq l Cqre courses qt the Institute qnd delivers Continuec\ ProfeSSion'll Development courses for workers in the speciqlised residentiql units. The qtticle describes qn induction moc\el developec\ qnd delivered by the project teqm to new workers in the speciqlised residentiql units in the Dublin region qlthough the course is sUitqble for '111 resic\entiql qre settings . The evq luqtion suggests thqt the mqjority of Pqtticipqnts found the induction module wotthwhile becquse it hqd '1 positive effect on their profession'll prqctice qnd increqsed thei r self confidence. This supports the need for form'll induction training for '111 new workers to ensure they perform their profession'll duties qS effectively qS possible in their new working environment. Key Wotds: inc\uction; course design; course evq luqtion.

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