
The gas mass fraction in galaxy clusters has been widely used to determine cosmological parameters. This method assumes that the ratio of the cluster gas mass fraction to the cosmic baryon fraction (gamma (z)) is constant as a function of redshift. In this work, we look for a time evolution of gamma (z) at R_{500} by using both the SPT-SZ and Planck Early SZ (ESZ) cluster data, in a model-independent fashion without any explicit dependence on the underlying cosmology. For this calculation, we use a non-parametric functional form for the Hubble parameter obtained from Gaussian Process regression using cosmic chronometers. We parameterize gamma (z) as: gamma (z)= gamma _0(1+gamma _1 z) to constrain the redshift evolution. We find contradictory results between both the samples. For SPT-SZ, gamma (z) decreases as a function of redshift (at more than 5sigma ), whereas a positive trend with redshift is found for Planck ESZ data (at more than 4sigma ). We however find that the gamma _1 values for a subset of SPT-SZ and Planck ESZ clusters between the same redshift interval agree to within 1sigma . When we allow for a dependence on the halo mass in the evolution of the gas depletion factor, the 4-5sigma discrepancy reduces to 2sigma .

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