
Mineralogical and chemical relationships indicate that the majority of ilmenites recovered from Group I kimberlites crystallized directly from the kimberlite magma in two contrasting P-T regimes: Ilmenites of the discrete nodule association formed in pegmatitic veins and apophyses surrounding the kimberlite magma at depth. Compositional ranges of the discrete nodule assemblage reflect essentially isobaric crystallization across the thermal aureole about the magma reservoir. Early crystallization of high pressure Cr-rich phases (garnet, clinopyroxene and possibly spinel) could result in later forming megacryst ilmenites being Cr-poor. During ascent of the kimberlite magma (essentially identical to the liquid injected into the pegmatitic veins), crystallization of garnet and clinopyroxene would be inhibited as a result of the expansion of the olivine phase field. The magma would not undergo Crdepletion, with the result that later crystallizing (ground-mass) ilmenites would be Cr-rich relative to associated ilmenite megacrysts.

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