
Taxi pooling means the sharing of a taxi by more than one passenger with at least a semi-common route. Currently, a trial-and-error process is adopted, taking into account expected travel times, for taxi pooling, a method which is neither effective nor efficient. This is because stochastic disturbances arising from variations in the taxi travel times that occur in actual traveling are neglected. In the worst case scenario, where vehicle travel times fluctuate wildly during operations, the planned schedule can be disturbed enough to lose its optimality. Therefore, in this study, a network flow technique is used to construct a stochastic taxi pooling model incorporating stochastic vehicle travel times. A solution algorithm is also proposed to efficiently solve the problem. The performance of the proposed models and the use of the solution method in practice are evaluated by executing numerical tests using real data with suitable assumptions. The test results show that the stochastic model and the solution method could be useful references for practice.

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