
This study improved the model that used the correlation of the particle entrainment rate to determine the transport velocity. It proposed the new absolute value of the local slope as the criterion of the model for locating the transport velocity in the relationship between dimensionless velocity (U/Ut) and the reciprocal of the entrainment rate (1/Ki∗+). It indicated that the criterion depended on properties of fluidized particles and increased with Archemedes number. The Archemedes number was modified by substituting the critical diameter, the maximum particle diameter at which the sum of the interparticle adhesion forces gave a dominant influence to the particle entrainment rate, for the diameter of particles in case that the mean diameter of particles was smaller than the critical diameter. A correlation was suggested to calculate the absolute value of the local slope at the transport velocity. The new model was successful covering the effect of particle properties in predicting the transport velocity.

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