
The term “Web Application” (also known as Web App) is used to refer a program or application that is accessed through a network. There has been a shift in the direction of web development. A new breed of web application, known as AJAX is emerging in the field of web development. The aim is to make web page feel more responsive by exchanging small amount of data. In contrast with traditional web application, there is no need to reload web page entirely at each time when user make change. Ajax (Asynchronous Java script And XML) is a bundle of technologies used to simplify the implementation of rich and dynamic web application. AJAX web application consist a single page whose elements are updates dynamically and user can work asynchronously with such application. To provide guidance to tester, for applying Ajax on traditional web application, we propose a model. Because most of the time tester think that performance will increase due to number of advantage of Ajax but it is not necessary that all the time after applying Ajax, performance will increase, it may be decrease. So, to full fill the above objective, we propose a model, which provide guidance in the form of model based testing, to the web developer that whether he/she should apply the Ajax on traditional web application or not. Our paper also describes current existing performance testing techniques which are used to measure the performance of Ajax based web applications.

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