
Introduction. One of the urgent tasks in the implementation of the federal project "Workforce for the Digital Economy", which is part of the national digital economy programme, the transition to the digital economy is the development of professional competencies for workers in various sectors in the field of end-to-end digital technology. The digital competencies are developed in response to the requirements of society, the state, and the labour market for the individual in the digital society.Materials and Methods. The analysis, generalization and systematization of scientific research, and personal experience of formation and development of digital competences allowed us to identify their universality and the end-to-end principle of mastering them, which allowed us to draw a conclusion about the feasibility and necessity of developing a pedagogical model for forming end-to-end digital competences of higher education students in non-core IT disciplines.Results. The research defines the concept of «transversal digital competences» (TDC) at the stage of digital transformation of higher education; presents components, criteria, indicators and indices of formation of transversal digital competences of students; presents a pedagogical model for shaping transversal digital competences of students of non-profile IT fields in a classical university in the process of additional professional education. The stages of formation of end-to-end digital competences of students are considered in detail, the purpose of pedagogical model, tasks, principles, factors and organizational and pedagogical conditions of formation are defined, the results of research are presented.Discussion and Conclusions. This pedagogical model was developed in the process of studying the conditions for the formation of digital competences and skills of using digital technologies in students at Kemerovo State University. Partially the results of this study were presented in the report «Basic principles of formation of end-to-end digital competences in students in the process of mastering additional professional programmes» at the II All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation «Digital humanities and educational technologies - DHTE 2021» (organizer - FSBEI VPO "Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University").

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