
We propose a conceptual model which generates abrupt climate changes akin to Dansgaard-Oeschger events. In the model these abrupt climate changes are not triggered by external perturbations but rather emerge in a dynamic self-consistent model through complex interactions of the ocean, the atmosphere and an intermittent process. The abrupt climate changes are caused in our model by intermittencies in the sea-ice cover. The ocean is represented by a Stommel two-box model, the atmosphere by a Lorenz-84 model and the sea-ice cover by a deterministic approximation of correlated additive and multiplicative noise (CAM) process. The key dynamical ingredients of the model are given by stochastic limits of deterministic multi-scale systems and recent results in deterministic homogenisation theory. The deterministic model reproduces statistical features of actual ice-core data such as non-Gaussian $\alpha$-stable behaviour. The proposed mechanism for abrupt millenial-scale climate change only relies on the existence of a quantity, which exhibits intermittent dynamics on an intermediate time scale. We consider as a particular mechanism intermittent sea-ice cover where the intermittency is generated by emergent atmospheric noise. However, other mechanisms such as freshwater influxes may also be formulated within the proposed framework.

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