
This paper deals with model based safety engineering in Railway signaling systems development. Recently, model based system engineering (MBSE) has brought new specification means for large industrial system. Alstom Transport develops its own MBSE methodology supported by the SysML notation. In this context, a domain specific modeling language (DSML) has been developed for the safety studies enabling tight coupling with the MBSE environment. The paper describes a model to model translation. The translation developed takes the functional part of the system model and the dysfunctional viewpoint modeled within the safety DSML to generate an Altarica model of the system. The generated Altarica model is formal and allows, one from another, the dysfunctional simulation of the system and the generation of sequences of events leading to accidents.KeywordsModel TransformationSafety AnalysisFault TreeTraceability LinkSafety EngineerThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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