
Objectives In response to calls for inventive ways to mitigate risks of physical distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic for older adults living in residential care, the JAVA Music Club–Digital (JMC-D) was developed. The current feasibility study investigated benefits, usability, and implementation of weekly JMC-D sessions over 6 months. Method Employing a pre-post mixed methods study, depressive symptoms, loneliness, social isolation, and quality of life were measured at baseline, 3 and 6 months. Qualitative interviews were conducted at 3 months. Results Twenty-one residents were recruited. Across the three time points there was a large effect for depressive symptoms, social isolation, and quality of life, though not statistically significant. There was a significant immediate increase in happiness following engagement in the JMC-D sessions. Thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews generated two overarching themes: Experiencing the JMC-D (subthemes: Benefits, Navigating the virtual platform, Feedback) and Considerations for Implementation (subthemes: Perceived purpose, Characteristics that impact the experience, and Infrastructure and resources). Conclusion Findings are encouraging and suggest that the JMC-D may support emotional and other psychosocial indices of wellness in residential care during times of physical distancing. Appropriate staffing, resources, and internet accessibility are important for implementation and uptake.

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