
Introduction Dynamic interactions between the mitotic spindle, the cell cortex and the plasma membrane underlie many crucial cellular phenomena. For example, during cell division, the localization of the cleavage furrow is specified by the mitotic spindle (Glotzer, 2001; Scholey et al., 2003; Odell and Foe, 2008), whereas actomyosin-based cortical contractions contribute to spindle morphogenesis (Rosenblatt et al., 2004). In addition, membrane transport to the furrow is crucial for cell-cell abscission and the completion of cytokinesis (Finger and White, 2002). Recently, it has been shown that vesicles associated with F-actin are transported on furrow microtubules (MTs) (Albertson et al., 2008). However, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain largely obscure. Drosophila embryogenesis is amenable to the study of interactions between the spindle, cortex and membrane using genetic analysis, inhibitor microinjection and microscopy (Glover, 2005). In the Drosophila syncytial embryo, nuclei share the same cytoplasm and undergo 13 synchronous divisions without any intervening cytokinesis; however, following the migration of the nuclei to the embryonic surface during cycle 9, mitotic furrows form transiently around each spindle (Mazumdar and Mazumdar, 2002). The mitotic furrows grow longer during each metaphase, serving as barriers to maintain the spacing between adjacent spindles, and then regress during late anaphase and telophase. Subsequently, during interphase of cycle 14, cellularization furrows descend from the blastoderm surface to partition the nuclei into individual cells. Many studies suggest that spindle morphogenesis, as monitored by the separation of the spindle poles, depends upon a balance of forces generated by multiple molecular motors that guide the spindle through a sequence of quiescent steady states interspersed with phases of rapid spindle-pole separation (Sharp et al., 2000; Brust-Mascher et al., 2004; Cytrynbaum et al., 2005). The mitotic furrows maintain a constant distance to the poles throughout mitosis, and perturbations of mitotic molecules can cause both spindle and cortical defects during the early mitotic cycles (Cytrynbaum et al., 2005). To test the hypothesis that this force balance reflects a dynamic relationship between the spindle and the cortex, we need to know the identity of the crucial molecules that influence the structure and dynamics of both the spindle and the cortex. It is unknown how the spindle affects cortical reorganization and, conversely, how the cortex affects spindle morphogenesis. Both cellularization and metaphase furrow formation in the early Drosophila embryo are driven by the MT-dependent delivery of membrane vesicles to the furrow region (Strickland and Burgess, 2004; Riggs et al., 2003). As in conventional cytokinesis, new furrow membrane does not seem to be derived from the expansion of the pre-existing surface membrane, but rather forms through the insertion of membrane from internal stores, such as the recycling endosome (RE), Golgi or both (Lecuit and Weichaus, 2000; Sisson A mitotic kinesin-6, Pav-KLP, mediates interdependent cortical reorganization and spindle dynamics in Drosophila embryos

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