
A fragmentary hemi-mandible of a rhinocerotid was collected during the end of the 19th century at Monte delle Piche (Rome). Morphological features, such as a short paralophid in the molar, the presence of a mesio-lingual cingulum in the teeth and a well-developed upturned I/2, indicate that the specimen is an Aceratheriinae. In addition to other taxa (e.g. Chilotherium , Aceratherium and Hoploaceratherium ), the hemi-mandible shows morphological traits suggestive of the genus Acerorhinus . The latter is well-documented in fossiliferous localities of South-eastern Europe, Turkey and China, chronologically related with the Land Mammal Zones MN 9-12. Unfortunately, the specimen is reworked in Early Pleistocene marine deposits.Hence, it cannot indicate the time at whichthe genus reached Italy.

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