
We investigate supersymmetric SU(5) grand unified theories (GUTs) realized in 5 space time dimensions and broken down to the MSSM by SU(5)-violating boundary conditions on a S 1/( Z 2× Z 2′) orbifold with two 3-branes. The doublet-triplet splitting problem is entirely avoided by locating the MSSM Higgs doublets on the brane on which SU(5) is not a good symmetry. An extremely simple model is then described in which the MSSM matter is also located on this SU(5)-violating brane. Although this model does not unify the MSSM matter within SU(5) multiplets, it explains gauge coupling unification. A second model with MSSM matter in the SU(5)-symmetric bulk preserves both the SU(5) explanation of fermion quantum numbers as well as gauge-coupling unification. Both models naturally avoid problematic SU(5) predictions for the Yukawa couplings of the first two generations and are consistent with proton decay constraints. We analyse the running of gauge couplings above the compactification scale in terms of a 5d effective action and derive the implications for the values of compactification scale, unification scale and of the scale at which the bulk gauge theory becomes strongly coupled.

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