
Cancer epigenetics is the study of epigenetic changes to cancer cells' DNA that don't involve a change in the nucleotide sequence but instead affect how the genetic code is expressed. The complicated disease of cancer is brought on by genetic and epigenetic changes in the regulation of cell division. Our knowledge of the molecular etiology of cancer has substantially advanced and also the discoveries in the fields of cancer genomics and epigenomics, which have improved our comprehension of the development and evolution of tumorigenic processes. The interaction between genetic and epigenetic mutations and their interaction with environmental factors, including our microbiome, that influences cellular metabolism and proliferation rates, must therefore be taken into account in any modern perspective on cancer research. Future genetic and epigenetic therapeutics as well as diagnostics and prognosis will all benefit from the integration and increased understanding of these processes. Here, we tried to give a general summary of the disrupted epigenetic processes in cancer and how they affect the beginning and development of the illness. In conclusion, we talked about how advanced experimental methods and computational tools, such as fresh methods for utilizing enormous data sets, could help us better understand and cure cancer.

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