
AbstractEleven shales and fourteen turbidite sandstones from the Mam Tor Beds were analysed chemically and by XRD. The ratio of kaolinite to illite plus mixed-layer clay was higher in the sandstones than in the shales, size fractions demonstrating that this ratio decreased as the grain size decreased. Shales more basinal in character than those of the Mam Tor Beds contain more illite and mixed-layer clay and less kaolinite and it is suggested that there was a lateral variation in clay mineralogy with distance from the shore line due to particle size sorting and that the character of the clay mineral fraction was retained as the turbidity current transported sediment from a nearshore environment deeper into the basin. Support for this model was obtained from the geochemistry which showed that the sandstone matrix differed compositionally from the shales. Systematic variations occurred in the turbidite sandstones but not in the shales which are therefore considered to be non-turbiditic. Only minor mineralogical changes appear to have occurred during diagenesis.

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