
Velocity fields in flow in permeable media are of great importance to many subsurface processes such as geologic storage of CO2 , oil and gas extraction, and geothermal systems. Steady-state flow is characterized by velocity fields that do not change significantly over time. The flow field transitions to a new steady state once it experiences a disturbance such as a change in flow rate or in pressure gradient. This transition is often assumed to be instantaneous, which justifies the expression of constitutive relations as functions of instantaneous phase saturations. This work examines the evolution of velocity fields in a surrogate quasi-2D permeable medium using a microfluidic device, a microscopy system, and a high-speed camera. Tracer particles are injected into the medium along with Deionized water. The evolution of the velocity field is examined by tracing these particles in the captured images using the standard high-density particle image velocimetry algorithm founded on cross-correlation. The results suggest that the transition between steady states for an incompressible fluid takes a finite and non-negligible amount of time that is independent of the magnitude of the change in pressure gradient. The existence of transient states and the nature of the response during these states are readily interpreted by the principle of least action where flow gradually establishes an optimal configuration such that energy dissipation is minimized. The findings provide evidence against the applicability of the assumption that flowing phases relax instantaneously to their steady states and, hence, against the accuracy of the classical multiphase extension of Darcy’s law. Cited as: Sun, J., Li, Z., Furtado, F., Aryana, S. A. A microfluidic study of transient flow states in permeable media using fluorescent particle image velocimetry. Capillarity, 2021, 4(4): 76-86, doi: 10.46690/capi.2021.04.03

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