
We present a microscopic model of black hole (BH) ‘evaporation’ in asymptotically AdS2 spacetimes dual to the low energy sector of the SYK model. To describe evaporation, the SYK model is coupled to a bath comprising of Nf free scalar fields Φi. We consider a linear combination of couplings of the form OSY K(t)∑iΦi(0, t), where OSY K involves products of the Kourkoulou-Maldacena operator iJ/N{sum}_{k=1}^{N/2}{s}_k^{prime }{psi}_{2k-1}(t){psi}_{2k}(t) specified by a spin vector s′. We discuss the time evolution of a product of (i) a pure state of the SYK system, namely a BH microstate characterized by a spin vector s and an effective BH temperature TBH, and (ii) a Calabrese-Cardy state of the bath characterized by an effective temperature Tbath. We take Tbath ≪ TBH, and TBH much lower than the characteristic UV scale J of the SYK model, allowing a description in terms of the time reparameterization mode. Tracing over the bath degrees of freedom leads to a Feynman-Vernon type effective action for the SYK model, which we study in the low energy limit. The leading large N behaviour of the time reparameterization mode is found, as well as the Oleft(1/sqrt{N}right) fluctuations. The latter are characterized by a non-Markovian non-linear stochastic differential equation with non-local Gaussian noise. In a restricted range of couplings, we find two classes of solutions which asymptotically approach (a) a BH at a lower temperature, and (b) a horizonless geometry. We identify these with partial and complete BH evaporation, respectively. Importantly, the asymptotic solution in both cases involves the scalar product of the spin vectors s.s′, which carries some information about the initial state. By repeating the dynamical process O(N2) times with different choices of the spin vector s′, one can in principle reconstruct the initial BH microstate.

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