
Under the European LIFE Program a microencapsulation process was developed for liquid mercury using Sulfur Polymer Stabilization/Solidification (SPSS) technology, obtaining a stable concrete-like sulfur matrix that allows the immobilization of mercury for long-term storage. The process description and characterization of the materials obtained were detailed in Part I. The present document, Part II, reports the results of different tests carried out to determine the durability of Hg-S concrete samples with very high mercury content (up to 30 % w/w). Different UNE and RILEM standard test methods were applied, such as capillary water absorption, low pressure water permeability, alkali/acid resistance, salt mist aging, freeze-thaw resistance and fire performance. The samples exhibited no capillarity and their resistance in both alkaline and acid media was very high. They also showed good resistance to very aggressive environments such as spray salt mist, freeze-thaw and dry-wet. The fire hazard of samples at low heat output was negligible.


  • The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) established the Mercury Program with the aim of delivering activities on mercury and to support negotiations of an international instrument for the control of mercury

  • In Part II the authors have tested the behavior of the Hg-S concrete samples, obtained in Part I, in a number of different aggressive environments, e.g. in salt mist, freeze-thaw and wet-dry situations, alkali/acid media, etc., with a view to more fully assessing the effectiveness of the stabilization process and assuring the durability of the monoliths in longterm storage

  • The test consisted of 60 salt mist exposure cycles, each comprised of 4 h saline water spraying and 8 h drying

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A MICRoENCApSulATIoN pRoCESS of lIquId MERCuRy by SulfuR polyMER STAbIlIzATIoN/SolIdIfICATIoN TEChNoloGy. pART II: duRAbIlITy of MATERIAlS pRoCESo dE MICRoENCApSulACIóN dE MERCuRIo líquIdo MEdIANTE TECNoloGíA dE ESTAbIlIzACIóN/SolIdIfICACIóN CoN AzufRE polIMéRICo. pARTE II: duRAbIlIdAd dE loS MATERIAlES. In Part II the authors have tested the behavior of the Hg-S concrete samples, obtained in Part I, in a number of different aggressive environments, e.g. in salt mist, freeze-thaw and wet-dry situations, alkali/acid media, etc., with a view to more fully assessing the effectiveness of the stabilization process and assuring the durability of the monoliths in longterm storage. Properties such as capillary water absorption and low pressure water permeability were studied. This study, like that described in Part I[12], was performed within the European Project MERSADE (LIFE06 ENV/ES/PRE/03)

Physical properties
Capillary water absorption
Water permeability
Resistance to different pH values
Aging test
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