
The traditional planting system still consists in intensive use of pesticides in Brazil. In the case of the municipality of Bueno Brandao, southern Minas Gerais, Brazil, there is a high concentration of potato crops. Some of the physical characteristics of the area are important for the subject since it´s plenty of springs and watercourses and very steep and rich in hills slopes that may offer risks to water quality by pesticide runoff. The cultivation sites are often located near slopes greater than 20 % in permanent preservation areas ( APP/(PPA ) or near these. The most common APPs in the region refer to 30m wide areas along the river banks and 50m around the springs The Antas River is the main water source for Bueno Brandao and its contamination would be very detrimental to the health to both rural and urban population. Water contamination can occur due to sediment transport along the slopes toward rivers and springs that are found degraded riparian areas, causing water quality loss. One alternative that reduces the incidence of this problem would be the systematic application of Federal Law 12.651/2012 and banning any use of pesticides in plantations near the water bodies, preventing their degradation. As an additional measure the riparian forests should be recovered along rivers and around springs. Nowadays there are degraded forestal areas and open spaces. So even when crop fields are out of APPs if the scenario presents potentially steep slopes there is still risk of sediment transport towards rivers. This study presents a macro view and a micro view to guide the recovery of gaps in the riparian zone and make it more feasible. The Macro view is a methodology to select priority areas more apt to promote the protection of the waters that may be vulnerable to degradation, and therefore more qualified to ecological restoration. Aiming at the resolution of the macro view, different physical characteristics and agricultural uses were correlated and some values were assigned to the associated impacts of each occurrence. Seeking resolution of the micro issues a survey was conducted on techniques and methodologies within Brazilian and foreign literature aiming at ecological rehabilitation and the regain of ecological functions that had been altered. These methods and techniques may be used at the discretion of the executors responsible jointly or separately depending on the project budget and the peculiarities of the chosen area.

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