
The United States Fish and Wildlife Service is currently evaluating the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) for listing under the Endangered Species Act and using the Species Status Assessment (SSA) framework to estimate and forecast drivers that impact the species’ risk of extinction. To evaluate eastern and western monarch populations the monarch SSA built on a foundation of published population models and other literature to identify current growth rates and information on threats and conservation efforts. Here we present the resulting methodology, which aimed to explore the magnitude of monarch population responses to the aggregation of multiple drivers under various scenarios. Our methodology differs from previous research by developing a series of functional cause and effect relationships that link monarch population-specific responses to threats or conservation actions. We incorporated these population-specific responses into stochastic geometric growth models for both eastern and western populations to estimate the probability of quasi-extinction in 50 years. Our models were parameterized using previously estimated population-specific trend data (growth rates and environmental variability) and expert elicited estimates of population responses to multiple drivers (i.e., amount of available breeding and overwintering habitat, insecticide use, migration resource availability, and climate change). We explored plausible future scenarios with realistic place-holder data to evaluate how changes in these drivers influenced monarch quasi-extinction risk for each population. In addition, we captured uncertainty in quasi-extinction risk by calculating cumulative quasi-extinction risk over a full range of quasi-extinction threshold values which were sampled from a uniform distribution bounded by expert-elicited estimates. In both populations, our baseline for comparison was the “current” condition defined by population-specific growth rate and environmental stochasticity from previous research. The result of the methodology presented here is a novel and comprehensive tool that incorporates the impact of future stressors into projections of population numbers over time. The approach provides a tractable and updatable tool that includes multiple types of information and the associated uncertainty of drivers, population impacts, and risk of extinction. For monarchs, this tool will be critical for incorporating the best scientific and commercial information available in the upcoming listing decision.


  • Migratory monarch (Danaus plexippus) populations in North America are in decline and several population viability analyses predict the likelihood of monarch extinction or quasi-extinction in the near future (Flockhart et al, 2015; Semmens et al, 2016; Oberhauser et al, 2017; Schultz et al, 2017)

  • Best-case The Best-case scenario for the western monarch population included the best plausible estimates for reductions in threats and increases in conservation efforts to combat the current declines in monarch numbers

  • The challenges presented by the unique biology of migratory monarchs included: the need to represent multiple generations in the eastern migratory population, incorporating a mechanism for density dependence to better reflect population numbers, uncertainty around quasiextinction levels, and a continuum of monarch responses to future state conditions of threats that could incorporate a range of scenarios for future projections

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Migratory monarch (Danaus plexippus) populations in North America are in decline and several population viability analyses (hereafter PVAs) predict the likelihood of monarch extinction or quasi-extinction in the near future (Flockhart et al, 2015; Semmens et al, 2016; Oberhauser et al, 2017; Schultz et al, 2017). Given the decreasing population trend of North American monarchs and subsequent extinction concern, monarchs are being evaluated for listing under the Endangered Species Act by the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service (The Service) As part of this effort The Service conducts a species status assessment (SSA)–a scientifically rigorous framework designed to evaluate a species’ status using the best available science to aid decision makers (U.S Fish Wildlife Service, 2016). Semmens et al (2016) and Schultz et al (2017) explore quasi-extinction risk in the eastern and western populations, respectively, using threats implicit in the estimated population growth rate These PVAs partially fill SSA requirements and are the foundation of the framework presented in this manuscript to assess both populations’ resiliency (ability to sustain plausible expected changes in their environment and threats into the future)

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