
As a packet-switched transport technology, a Packet Transport Network (PTN) is usually based on a ring network structure, but because of various factors in the existing network that can lead to the problem of long single chains in a PTN, the ring formation rate is often used as an important indicator of the stability of the transport network. In this paper, we propose a method to find the location that makes the most looped long single-chain network elements by calculating the accounting gain of network elements to perform service switching, and thus improve the loop formation rate of the whole network. Based on each long chain, a depth-first search of the directed graph is used to calculate the accounting gain between the long chain and the network elements on each loop, and to select the location that can increase the ring formation rate.. If the best position cannot be found in class I, the best position is found in class II. After finding the best location for optimising each long chain, if the accounting gain of the group of network elements in that location is Class I, then the service is switched directly to the fibres between the network elements in that group; if the accounting gain of the group of network elements in that location is Class II, then fibres are added between the network elements in that group, then the service is switched to the fibres between the network elements in that group, and finally the network is evaluated as a whole. The experimental results show that the optimisation method has led to a certain improvement in the ring formation rate of the Huangshi PTN network in Hubei, achieving an overall optimal result. The method uses additional resources for optimisation when existing fibre resources cannot solve the problem, enhancing both the security of the PTN network and the utilisation of network resources.

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