
AbstractIn this paper, the influence of the electron flux limiter fe on hohlraum plasmas is studied by using the two-dimensional code LARED-H, and a method to experimentally determine fe via the motion of the M-band emission region in Au hohlraum is proposed. From our simulations, the limited free streaming flux may dominates the heat conduction in the regions with steep temperature gradient, including the laser deposition region, the flux-heated overcritical region, and the laser channel boundary between the hot laser plasmas and the surrounding radiation ablated plasmas, while these are important X-ray emission regions. Hence, the choosing of fe may influence the wall plasma expansion and the laser spot motion, and further influence the motion of the emission regions. From our study, the motion of the M-band (>1.5 keV) emission region is sensitive to fe when the limited free streaming flux dominates the heat conduction of the wall plasma expansion region, and so it is possible to determine fe via the motion of the M-band emission region. In this work, the model used in our simulations is taken from the wall and laser spot motion experiments done by Huser et al. (2009).

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