
A program is outlined which addresses the problem of thereduction of Einstein's equations, namely, that of writing Einstein's vacuum equations in (3+1)-dimensions as anunconstrained dynamical system where the variables are thetrue degrees of freedom of the gravitational field. Our analysis is applicable for globally hyperbolic Ricci-flat spacetimes that admit constant mean curvature compact orientable spacelike Cauchy hypersurfaces M with degM=0 andM not diffeomorphic toF6, the underlying manifold of a certain compact orientable flat affine 3-manifold. We find that for these spacetimes, modulo the extended Poincare conjecture and the use of local cross-sections rather than a global cross-section, (3+1)-reduction can be completed much as in the (2+1)-dimensional case. In both cases, one gets as the reduced phase space the cotangent bundleT*TM of theTeichmuller space TMof conformal structures onM, whereM is a given initial constant mean curvature compact orientable spacelike Cauchy hypersurface in a spacetime (V, gV), and one gets reduction of the full classical non-reduced Hamiltonian system with constraints to a reduced Hamiltonian system without constraints onT*TM. For these reduced systems, the time parameter is the parameter of a family of monotonically increasing constant mean curvature compact orientable spacelike Cauchy hypersurfaces in a neighborhood of a given initial one. In the (2+1)-dimensional case, the Hamiltonian is the area functional of these hypersurfaces, and in the (3+1)-dimensional case, the Hamiltonian is the volume functional of these hypersurfaces.

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