
Certain characteristics of the newer EMI CT units present both convenience and challenges to the user. First, the EMI CT-lOb dedicated head unit comes with a highly desirable option, the diagnostic display console. Information is transferred from the computer system disc to a floppy disc in the console. The console can then function as an independent unit. Second, the slice thickness is 8 mm rather than i3 mm. This means that six scans (i2 slices) are now used rather than four scans (eight slices). If contrast enhancement is used in addition, the minimum examination per patient will require 24 slices. Presently, eight slices may be stored on one side of a floppy disc. Thus, with contrast enhancement, three floppy discs are required per patient. At a cost of $5 each and at a very nominal figure of 2,000 patients per year, the cost to the user in terms of just floppy discs is $30,000. The problem will be even more acute when the 320 x 320 matrix is available, since this will require storage of four times the amount of information as the current 1 60 x i 60 matrix. This means that only two slices in the 320 format may be stored on one side of a floppy disc. In an effort to minimize cost and also storage space of floppy discs, we have written information on the reverse side of “onesided” floppies, thus creating “flippies.”

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