
The object of the present study was to devise a method of experimental cataract analysis and to apply it in determining the effect of a fractionation schedule on cataract induction. An experimental analysis of radiation cataract induction requires an investigative procedure which is valid, reproducible, and admits of statistical evaluation. A desirable biological criterion consists of an effect which is observable as to occurrence or measurable as to quantity and preferably can be followed with respect to time. Sufficient numbers of biological subjects should be used to give statistically significant results. The biological criteria in the present work consisted of five defined observational stages of increasingly severe opacity in the rat lens, from no opacity to a completely opaque lens. These classifications were designated 0, 1+, 2+, 3+, and 4+ and were used in the methods of statistical analysis to be discussed below. The time-dose relationship has been studied in many different tissues. In the lens,...

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