
The CDN management system distributes content objects to the edge of the Internet to achieve the user’s near access. The content discovery is an important issue in content delivery network. The content t discovery algorithm is used to find the location of the content in the content distribution network. In this paper, we design a content resource discovery algorithm Global-hop, which optimizes the propagation process of topology change event messages. The events that cause the topology change are divided into two categories: one is the increase of nodes, and the other is the reduction of nodes. The reduction of nodes is divided into node withdrawal and node failure. Different from One-hop, the broadcast path of topology change event message in the Global-hop algorithm is tree-like broadcast. The broadcast topological information in the original algorithm divided nodes into several Slice, and each Slice was divided into several Unit. Each Slice has a Slice Leader, and each Unit also has a Unit Leader with other nodes being ordinary nodes. The message propagation delay of Global-hop algorithm is less than that of One-hop algorithm.

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