
The traditional TTI-Ro method uses virtinite reflectance as the indicator of the organic matter maturity, and then makes it a dominant parameter during the simulation of organic matter hydrocarbon generation history. However, this method only takes virtinite reflectance as a function of time and temperature, but ignores not only the influence of pressure and catalyst, but also the follow-up generation contradiction. Actually, this method is difficult to correctly describe the organic matter hydrocarbon generation history. By a variety of analysis and comparison, hydrogen index (IH) is found to be the parameter with the above characteristics. IH is also the synthetical effect result of time, temperature, pressure and catalyst and their dynamic change. So it is appropriate to use IH, instead of Ro, as the dominant parameter during the hydrocarbon generation history of organic matter. Then it is possible to establish a method on the basis of the hydrogen index to calculate the hydrocarbon generation history – the comprehensive simulation method of time, temperature, pressure, catalyst and index, called TTPCI-IH method. And it is successfully applied in hydrocarbon generation history simulation. The actual simulation results in Shengli oilfield show that TTPCI-IH method is obviously better than TTI-Ro method.

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