
Belief revision provides a paradigm of rational changes of a belief state by some pieces of information [1, 3]. Belief base revision, the subjects of belief change operations are sets of sentences which are not deductively closed, has also studied (cf. [4, 6, 7, 12, 14]). Base revision is closely connected to update of logic programs, and many authors have proposed knowledge base update for various kinds of logic programs (cf. [2, 13, 15]). These studies treat the processes of belief base revision as mainly in syntactic framework. On the other hand, in order to perform minimal changes in both syntactic viewpoint and semantic viewpoint simultaneously, authors have proposed belief base changes using state transition diagrams [10]. State transition diagrams connect syntactic restriction of belief bases and semantic restriction of models. Authors have proposed belief base change for Horn logic programs [10], and for extended logic program which do not contain negation as failure operators [11].

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