
General circulation models (GCM) show projections of climate variables that when downscaled can be applied to analyse future behaviour in different areas or places. Using them is possible not just to obtain expected values of climate variables but also to calculate their distributions and use those values to assess the effects of climate change at a local level. However, these calculations depend on the GCM selected. In this paper, daily maximum near-surface air temperatures from 21 climate models under representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenarios RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 and historic daily maximum temperatures (1990–2019) from nine cities in southern Spain are used with two objectives: first, to investigate past behaviour broken down into a deterministic part and a stochastic part; second, to compare historical data (2006–2019) with the information extracted from the 21 GCMs based on calculating goodness of fit in the period for both deterministic and stochastic parts. The methodology proposed may be useful in selecting a model or a range of models for use in a specific study. The results show positive historical and future trends in maximum daily temperature for these cities. The GCMs with the best fit for each city in this specific case are also presented.

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