
The assay for Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase (BVMO) enzyme activity has relied to date on the spectrophotometric change observed on the oxidation of the nicotinamide cofactor during the enzymatic reaction. By analogy to the cyclohexanol catabolic pathway of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus NCIMB 9871, we have developed a specific colorimetric screening method that utilises an esterase to cleave the lactone that is formed in the BVMO reaction. When carried out in a non-buffered or weakly buffered system the resultant change in pH can be visually detected. This allows the rapid assaying and screening of BVMO enzymes. This has been demonstrated with cyclohexanone monooxygenase from A. calcoaceticus. The resultant colour change has been visualised with washed cell suspensions, individual bacterial colonies on Petri dishes and with semi-purified recombinant enzyme utilising Linbro dishes.

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