
: In this video, we share the treatment of a 36-year-old woman of childbearing age. After a routine gynecological examination, this woman was found to have cervical poisoning, accompanied with bleeding. Meanwhile, her uterine body was in a horizontal position, of normal size, without feeling of pain. During color ultrasound screening, a mixed echo mass with a size of 6.7 cm × 4.9 cm ×5.1 cm was found in her left adnexal area, which was suspected to be a teratoma. Upon on further consultation, it was diagnosed as a left accessory tumor. It is also most likely to be a teratoma in the left ovary. After communication, the patient agreed to perform surgery to remove the tumor. In this study, we performed single-port laparoscopic surgery to treat patients. Intraoperatively, an endoscopic cyst was found in the patient’s left ovary. After the cyst was removed, the laboratory results showed that it was indeed a mature teratoma, which was consistent with color ultrasound and outpatient results. After the removal of the tumor, we performed plastic surgery on the patient’s belly button. This video captures and describes how the process works. The success of this operation not only eliminates the patients’ physical pain, but also greatly reduces the patients’ psychological burden. After all, the advantages and disadvantages of this operation and its future development trend are analyzed, too.

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