
We determine the association constants for ligand–protein complex formation using the flow injection method. We carry out the measurements at high flow rates (F=1mLmin−1) of a carrier phase. Therefore, determination of the association constant takes only a few minutes. Injection of 1nM of the ligand (10μL of 1μM concentration of the ligand solution) is sufficient for a single measurement. This method is tested and verified for a number of complexes of selected drugs (cefaclor, etodolac, sulindac) with albumin (BSA). We obtain K=4.45×103M−1 for cefaclor, K=1.00×105M−1 for etodolac and K=1.03×105M−1 for sulindac in agreement with the literature data. We also determine the association constants of 20 newly synthesized 3β- and 3α-aminotropane derivatives with potential antipsychotic activity – ligands of 5-HT1A, 5-HT2A and D2 receptors with the albumin. Results of the studies reported here indicate that potential antipsychotic drugs bind weakly to the transporter protein (BSA) with K≈102–103M−1. Our method allows measuring K in a wide range of values (102–109M−1). This range depends only on the solubility of the ligand and sensitivity of the detector.

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