
Ubiquitous computer and its computing capabilities have given rise to many devices like PDAs, Note books, etc. which are now a part and parcel of our every days activities. Communication between each of such devices is supported by mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) through single and broadcasting techniques. Security of such communication has gained prominence and is being studied extensively to create progressively fail proof schemes. In the present scenario of the digital world, authenticity and reliability are the corner stones of conducting trillions of dollars worth of business transactions and hence cryptography with public and private keys sharing authentically has become the focal point as the adversary can digitally disguise, intrude and spoil the system. With the communication not limited between any two fixed parties, the ever expanding group of users need a mechanism where they can be authenticated and enable participation. A centralized authentication servers such as Kerebros and many implementable protocols presented ways for efficient implementation, system optimization in terms of authentication and group key distribution is to be aimed at all times. Wireless communication is always fraught with danger of impersonation and hence risk of loosing important and valuable data to adversary. In this context MANETS are required to authenticate and efficiently conduct the group communication through a group key distribution process. Our analysis and results demonstrate that this approach completely satisfies modern days requirements of authentication, scalability, efficiency and security for group communication.

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