
A set of2 n − 2 relations (edges) and a set of n − 1 hypothetical taxonomic units (HTUs) derive from the estimation of a binary phylogeny of a set of n operational taxonomic units (OTUs). We propose an easy way for numbering these n − 1 hypothetical taxonomic units, as well as for the n − 2 interior points of an unrooted binary phylogeny. We also present an alternative method to the one proposed by Rohlf ( Bull. math. Biol. 45, 33–40, 1983) for numbering the Π i=1 n (2i − 3) possible rooted binary phylogenies and the Π i=1 n−1M (2i − 3) possible unrooted binary phylogenies concerning a set of n operational taxonomic units. An illustrative example of the method is presented. It is hoped that some studies in phylogenetics will become more accessible, from the viewpoint of computational economy, by the use of this method.

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