
A novel experimental technique for measuring crack tipT-stress, and hence in-plane crack tip constraint, in elastic materials has been developed. The method exploits optimal positioning of stacked strain gage rosette near a mode I crack tip such that the influence of dominant singular strains is negated in order to determineT-stress accurately. The method is demonstrated for quasi-static and low-velocity impact loading conditions and two values of crack length to plate width ratios (a/W). By coupling this new method with the Dally-Sanford single strain gage method for measuring the mode I stress intensity factorK I , the crack tip biaxiality parameter\(\beta = T\sqrt {{{\pi a} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\pi a} K}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} K}} \) is also measured experimentally. Complementary small strain, static and dynamic finite element simulations are carried out under plane stress conditions. Time histories ofK I andT-stress are computed by regression analysis of the displacement and stress fields, respectively. The experimental results are in good agreement with those obtained from numerical simulations. Preliminary data for critical values ofK I and β for dynamic experiments involving epoxy specimens are reported. Dynamic crack initiation toughness shows an increasing trend as β becomes more negative at higher impact velocities.

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