
Abstract. A Digital Surface Model (DSM) is a crucial spatial geographic information data used to describe the shape of the earth’s surface in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). DSM is the core data used in terrain analysis in GIS. A regular grid DSM is generally generated by interpolating a large number of discrete point clouds. This paper proposes a method of using a hierarchical weighted strategy to fit a regular grid DSM with discrete points. This method uses a pyramid hierarchical strategy to refine the target regular grid from one grid with finer parameters of 3*3, until the nth level (the interval of the grid is equal to the expected interval), and then gradually places the discrete point cloud into the corresponding grid by weighted averaging, and uses the result of this level as the initial value of the next level. This algorithm can avoid the problem of low efficiency in retrieving a large number of discrete point clouds, and the indirect interpolation method not considering the contribution of distant neighboring point clouds. The operation of point cloud data is a stream operation, which does not require consideration of the topological information of point clouds, and has simple operation and no additional memory consumption. It is especially suitable for the production of regular grid DSM with massive point clouds. To verify the effectiveness of this method, the article selected six typical terrain data such as high mountains, mountains, hills, plains, urban areas, and lakes for experiments. The results show that compared with the construct-TIN method for producing DSM, this method has very good processing accuracy and processing efficiency.

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