
Rayleigh damping model, which is still adopted by many general finite element programsand widely used in analysis of engineering, leads to the inconformity of the calculating modaldamping ratio with the actual modal damping ratios. The appropriate Rayleigh damping matrix issignificant for accurate dynamic response analysis of complicated field. This paper establishes adual parameter optimization theory for calculation of Rayleigh damping coefficients. The functionalrelation between the relative error of dynamic response and Rayleigh damping coefficients isestablished based on CQC method. By taking the square sum of the errors of peak value ofdisplacement and the error of peak value of acceleration at the multiple points (DOF) of the surfaceof the complex site as the control objective, the equations for solving Rayleigh damping coefficientsare obtained based on the principle of minimizing the control objective. Then, as an example, theseismic response of a valley under the excitation of 28 representative seismic waves which arerandomly selected is calculated and the error due to Rayleigh damping model is analysed. Thenumerical result verifies the accuracy and applicability of the proposed method.

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