
A method based on the rate of depletion of a nutrient from solution was developed to characterize nutrient flux of plant roots. Nutrient concentration of the solution was measured at a series of time intervals to describe the complete depletion curve. An integrated rate equation, based on a Michaelis-Menten model, was developed and fit to the data of the depletion curve using a least-square procedure. The equation contained values for V(max), the maximum rate of influx; Km, the Michaelis constant; and E, efflux, which were used to describe the relation between solution concentration and net influx rate. Models other than Michaelis-Menten could also be used. The method uses only one plant or group of plants to obtain data over a range of nutrient concentrations, is adapted particularly to the low concentration range, and measures the concentration below which net influx ceases. With this method the plant is in steady state absorption prior to the experiment and continues at this steady state until near the end of the experiment.A procedure was also developed to measure uptake rate at constant concentration by adding nutrients to the pot at a constant rate that matched net influx into the root. This method also provides a means of measuring diurnal fluctuations in net influx rates.

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