
More and more organizations recognize the need for digitalization. An essential concept in this context is the Digital Twin (DT). At its core, a DT is a virtual representation of physical reality and the associated data exchange. Despite its relevance, practice shows that the application of true DTs is relatively low. Often benefits are intangible and costs are perceived as too high. One of the critical factors affecting benefits, defined as the difference of savings potential and costs, is fidelity. The DT fidelity defines how precisely the virtual representation mirrors its physical reality. Contrary to what most definitions suggest, an optimum fidelity exists where the net benefit is maximized. However, there is a lack of methods that support in conceptualizing DTs with optimum fidelity in manufacturing organizations. Elaborating on suitable fidelity levels is a subjective process dependent on the experience of DT developers. Consequently, the Digital Twin Fidelity Calculation Model (DT-FCM) was developed in this article using Design Science Research. The DT-FCM provides a novel approach to enable the calculation of the optimum DT fidelity based on a specific objective. As a crucial part of the DT design cycle, DT-FCM integrates seamlessly with existing models. The DT-FCM provides a systematic approach that increases the probability of success with the application of DTs.

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