
A simple method commonly used in modeling of tokamak conductor and plasma response for plasma control has been extended to allow more general modeling of tokamak PF conductor circuits. This extension combines a previously existing method for integrating plasma response and tokamak circuits with a more capable circuit modeling technique derived from the theory that underlies present-day automatic circuit simulation codes. This combined method can incorporate any combination of inductors (e.g., coils), resistors, capacitors, voltage sources, and current sources, while retaining the same model structure and ease of interpretation as the simple method. For many tokamaks, use of this extended method would not be the preferred approach, but for certain devices or for specialized models of a device, it is useful and occasionally essential. For example, the method has enabled fast and automated modeling of the complicated and daily-changing circuit topology used in the DIII-D tokamak. This automated modeling is essential to the support of controller design for the frequently changing requirements for DIII-D plasmas. It is likely to also find application in the workflows for new device designs.

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