
Today, it is seen that the meaning attributed to consumption has changed. In the past, while consumption within the needs came to the fore, consumption lost its rational meanings with the modern period; pleasure, status, vanity, etc. purposes can be seen. Today, consumption has become a prominent concept in the social, psychological and cultural processes of societies. Symbolic consumption is a form of consumption in which the symbolic values attributed to the products or brands that are the subject of consumption are considered in demand. In this form of consumption, which is based on the ready-made meanings that products offer to consumers, which is seen as a necessity of the postmodern period, it is necessary to gain consumer status, to determine their social class, to define their own existence, etc. may be directed towards consumption. The meaning in the consumed object is transferred directly to the consumer. This study takes into account the academic studies in Turkey and the world between the years 2021-2022; It is based on the meta-analysis of academic studies that are determined by scanning databases through the online libraries of national and international universities such as YÖK National Thesis Center, Pubmed, EBSCOhost, Web Of Science and Google Academic.

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