
Abstract A long-lived mesoscale convectively-generated vortex (MCV) associated with a mesoscale convective complex (MCC) is documented. The MCV, with a Rossby number of approximately 0.5, is investigated as a feature intrinsic to the organization of the MCC. On 6–7 July 1982 a particularly large and intense MCC developed in a region of high convective available potential energy (CAPE) but weak vertical wind shear (bulk Richardson number ∼150), and weak advection of temperature and vorticity. Convection initially was organized in a narrow line with elements propagating relative to the mean environmental flow. These elements subsequently developed a large semicircular area of stratiform precipitation and a surface mesolow to the rear. Heavy rain fell over a broad area; amounts as great as 10.9 cm accompanied by flooding were reported in central Oklahoma. As the large semicircular rain area dissipated, a three layered structure became evident: a large upper tropospheric anticyclone, a rain cooled mesoscale h...

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