
By interposing a conductive shield with an opening betweenthe movable microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) component and thesubstrate, it is possible to control pull-in forces and to increasepull-in voltages. Modeling results for different opening diametersare presented for a planar structure and one that contains a fieldemitter tip. Pull-in voltages can be increased from about 2 V (withno shield) to about 12 V with a 7 µm diameter shield hole and to25 V with a 2 µm shield hole. This shield technology will bedemonstrated on a MEMS-activated field emitter amplifier in which thegate plate of a field emitter array is thermally activated and moveswith respect to the stationary tips. For a 6.7 µm diameter shieldhole, the pull-in voltage is 30 V. This higher voltage, as comparedto the modeling results, is caused by built-in stresses that curvethe gate cantilever away from the substrate. In order for thisconcept to work, the field emitter operating voltage has to besmaller than the gate pull-in voltage.

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