
An associated partial postcranial skeleton is described as the third definitive ornithopod dinosaur record from the Upper Cretaceous Bajo Barreal Formation of central Patagonia, Argentina. Specifically, the specimen was recovered from the uppermost Cretaceous (Campanian—?Maastrichtian) Upper Member of the Bajo Barreal exposed on an ephemeral island in the southeastern portion of Lago Colhué Huapi in southern Chubut Province. Identifiable elements of the skeleton include four incomplete dorsal vertebrae, three partial anterior caudal vertebrae, a middle caudal neural arch, an incomplete posterior caudal vertebra, a dorsal rib fragment, the right calcaneum, and portions of the left metatarsal III and right metatarsal IV. Comparisons with corresponding elements in other ornithischians indicate that the material pertains to a medium-sized, non-hadrosaurid ornithopod. In particular, the morphology of the calcaneum is characteristic of ornithopods of this “grade”. The new discovery augments our understanding of the latest Cretaceous terrestrial vertebrate assemblage of central Patagonia and adds to the generally meager record of ornithischians in the Late Cretaceous of the Southern Hemisphere.

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