
High-yield implosions on the National Ignition Facility rely on maintaining low entropy in the deuterium–tritium fuel, quantified by its adiabat, in order to efficiently couple energy to the hot spot through high compression of the fuel layer. We present very-high-resolution xRAGE simulation results that study the impacts of interfacial mixing and the jetting of materials due to surface defects, defects on internal interfaces, voids, and engineering features on fuel layer compression. Defects and voids are typically neglected in implosion simulations due to their small size and three-dimensional geometry. Our results showed that supersonic jets of material arise through weak spots in the shell at peak implosion velocity that prevent uniform compression of the fuel layer even when they do not introduce contaminant into the hot spot. This occurs despite maintaining low fuel entropy, since the formation of the weak spots involves nonradial displacement of fuel mass. In contrast, simulations show that fuel–ablator mixing due to interfacial instabilities has a much smaller impact on compression. We show that defects on interior interfaces of plastic capsules decrease compression by 15% to 25% and interfacial mixing between the ablator and fuel decreases compression by less than 1% for implosions with plastic or high-density carbon (HDC) ablators. For low adiabat implosions, the impact of jetting seeded by the support tent can also decrease the compression by 25%. We demonstrate that the inclusion of interior defects in simulations can explain the inferred compression in two fielded plastic capsule implosions and that the inclusion of voids, for which available characterization has large uncertainties, in simulations of HDC capsule implosions has a qualitatively consistent impact. This mechanism offers a potential explanation for persistently overestimated fuel compression in design simulations of layered implosions on the National Ignition Facility.

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