
Intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) of Alloy 600 in high-temperature, deaerated water or steam has been termed “hydrogen-induced IGSCC.” We believe these cracks are initiated by the nucleation of a high density of bubbles on the grain boundary under the combined action of the applied stress and high pressure methane formed from carbon in solution reacting with hydrogen injected by corrosion. The bubbles then grow together by grain boundary diffusion to give local failure. This is supported by transmission electron microscope (TEM) observations of two-stage replicas, which show the subsurface formation of closely spaced (0.2μm) bubbles along boundaries, and their growth into fine cracks before they open to communicate with the corroding atmosphere. The kinetics are examined and shown to be in quantitative agreement with several experimental observations. This mechanism involves no grain boundary dissolution of the metal, the only role of corrosion being the injection of hydrogen at a high fugacity. It predicts an activation energy roughly equal to that for grain boundary dψusion of nickel in Alloy 600.

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