
Introduction: Plotting the pressure-cross-sectional area (P-CSA) hysteresis loops within the esophagus during a contraction cycle can provide mechanistic insights into esophageal motor function. Pressure and cross-sectional area during secondary peristalsis can be obtained from the functional lumen imaging probe (FLIP). The pressure-cross-sectional area plots at a location within the esophageal body (but away from the sphincter) reveal a horizontal loop shape. The horizontal loop shape has phases that appear similar to those in cardiovascular analyses, whichinclude isometric and isotonic contractions followed by isometric and isotonic relaxations. The aim of this study is to explain the various phases of the pressurecross-sectional area hysteresis loops within the esophageal body. Materials and Methods: We simulate flow inside a FLIP device placed inside the esophagus lumen. We focus on three scenarios: long functional lumen imaging probe bag placed insidethe esophagus but not passing through the lower esophageal sphincter, long functional lumen imaging probe bag that crosses the lower esophageal sphincter, and a short functional lumen imaging probe bag placed in the esophagus body that does not pass through the lower esophageal sphincter. Results and Discussion: Horizontal P-CSA area loop pattern is robust and is reproduced in all three cases with only small differences. The results indicate that the horizontal loop pattern is primarily a product of mechanical conditions rather than any inherently different function of the muscle itself. Thus, the distinct phases of the loop can be explained solely based on mechanics.

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