
We present a stable procedure for defining and measuring the two point angular autocorrelation function, w, of faint (25 < V < 29), barely resolved and unresolved sources in the HST GOODS and UDF datasets. We construct catalogs that include close pairs and faint detections. We show for the first time that on subarcsecond scales, the correlation function exceeds unity. This correlation function is well fit by a power law with index of 2.5 and a characteristic angular scale that decrease slowly with magnitude. This is very different from the purely gravitationalcorrelation function of brighter galaxies which has a index of 0.7 and a characteristic angular scale which decreases quickly with magnitude. This observed clustering probably reflects the presence of giant star-forming regions within galactic-scale potential wells. Its measurement enables a new approach to measuring the redshift distribution of the faintest sources in the sky.

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