
One of the major challenges associated with the measurement of customer lifetime value is selecting an appropriate model for predicting customer future transactions. Among such models, the Pareto/negative binomial distribution (Pareto/NBD) is the most prevalent in noncontractual relationships characterized by latent customer defections; ie, defections are not observed by the firm when they happen. However, this model and its applications have some shortcomings. Firstly, a methodological shortcoming is that the Pareto/NBD, like all lifetime transaction models based on statistical distributions, assumes that the number of transactions by a customer follows a Poisson distribution. However, many applications have an empirical distribution that does not fit a Poisson model. Secondly, a computational concern is that the implementation of Pareto/NBD model presents some estimation challenges specifically related to the numerous evaluation of the Gaussian hypergeometric function. Finally, the model provides 4 parameters as output, which is insufficient to link the individual purchasing behavior to socio‐demographic information and to predict the behavior of new customers. In this paper, we model a customer's lifetime transactions using the Conway‐Maxwell‐Poisson distribution, which is a generalization of the Poisson distribution, offering more flexibility and a better fit to real‐world discrete data. To estimate parameters, we propose a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm, which is easy to implement. Use of this Bayesian paradigm provides individual customer estimates, which help link purchase behavior to socio‐demographic characteristics and an opportunity to target individual customers.

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